K2's Planning and Managing Your Team's Technology

K2's Planning and Managing Your Team's Technology

Course Information


CPE Credits

8-Hour Course
Information Technology (8 Credits)

Basic Understanding of Computer Operations and Terminology



Program Level



Course Information


CPE Credits

8-Hour Course
Accounting (4 Credits)
Computer Software and Applications (4 Credits)

Experienced in Excel



Program Level



Major Topics

Small businesses have unique and specific technology needs, including those around remote access. Whether team members need remote access to desktops, data, voice services, instant messaging, or Cloud-based services, sometimes the list of available options can be overwhelming!

In this course, you will learn about practical solutions for facilitating remote access in small businesses. Among other items, included in this program is a detailed review of various solutions to provide remote access to a desktop, how to work securely from remote locations, key considerations when selecting Cloud-based solutions, and how to facilitate communication and collaboration in remote environments.


Course Description

Isn’t it time you took control of information technology (IT) within your organization? With IT being both a significant cost and a strategic expenditure, what can you do to manage ROI? What steps are available to maximize the impact of technology, controlling costs where possible, while still benefiting from leveraging that technology to improve profits? How can you set reasonable budgets and manage your team and vendors to ensure that your technology is functioning as intended and on budget? What can we do to stay current enough on the options and conversant enough to speak with computer people?


Join us in this seminar to learn the best ways to plan and manage your team’s technology. The program is specifically designed for the manager who does not have a technology background, but who is now charged with leading and managing the technology investment in a small to mid-sized organization, including a CPA firm. If you are in that role, can you really afford to miss this program?

A special focus of this seminar is the impact that Cloud computing has on the accounting profession, regardless of whether you work in public accounting, industry, or for governmental, educational, or not-for-profit institutions. Don’t miss this chance to learn about Cloud computing and the potential for you to improve information services within your organization while improving efficiency and driving down costs!

Learning Objectives

Upon completing this course, you should be able to:


Who is the course for?

Business professionals who manage technology investments and applications in small to mid-sized organizations, including CPA firms.

Instructional Delivery Method

Group-live demo and discussion using color computer projection.
