Western cpe

K2 Delivers Technology-Focused Learning Through Resort Conference Offerings With Western CPE
K2 Enterprises partners with Western CPE to support our efforts to provide the highest-quality CPE available to accounting and financial professionals in the United States and Canada. As a leader in technology-focused seminars and conferences, K2 Enterprises continuously strives to provide the highest quality, technology-focused learning options to our customers.
Likewise, Western CPE is a leader in continuing professional education for accounting and financial professionals, particularly in the areas of tax, accounting, auditing, and management. Through this strategic alliance, both parties expect to serve accounting and financial professionals better than ever before.

Western CPE Conferences
For 2024, K2 Enterprises is once again partnering with Western CPE to deliver content at Western CPE Resort Conferences. Depending upon the resort conference you choose to attend, you will be able to select from up to three K2 sessions created and presented by the K2 team. Complete descriptions for each of these sessions follow and you can see the list of dates and locations below also.

Benefits of Participating in Western CPE Conferences
- See and hear the highest-quality instructors
- Ask questions and receive real-time answers
- Select from courses scheduled on multiple days and times
- Interact with other participants
- Learn about a variety of topics—with no test required
- Receive your certificate of completion by email within 1 business day

K2-Produced Sessions at 2024 Western CPE Conferences
It is safe to say that you use Excel to some degree, but do you and your team use it as efficiently and effectively as you could? Are you taking advantage of newer features such as Data Models, Dynamic Arrays, and the ability to collaborate in real-time with other Excel users? Do you use IDEAS, the IFS function, or the XLOOKUP function? Is Power Query part of your daily routine? Can you use Flash Fill to manipulate data?
In this session, you will learn about each of the above features, plus many others, to boost your productivity and accuracy when working with Excel. This session is a “must-see CPE” session for every accounting and financial professional who desires to use Excel better.
More Details about this course
Upon completing this course, you should be able to:
- Upon completing this course, you should be able to:
- Identify the importance of Power Query in everyday situations
- Utilize Flash Fill to manipulate data without resorting to formulas
- List examples of when you should use Excel’s multi-condition functions
- Define “array” and identify situations when Dynamic Arrays can improve productivity
- Specify at least two ways you can use Data Models and their impact on reporting processes
- New features available in Excel that accounting and financial professionals should use
- How to work with larger volumes of data in Excel
- Improving efficiency through Excel’s collaboration tools
- How to link various sources of external data into Excel for reporting and analysis
- Create user-defined functions in Excel
CPE Credit: Recommended for 6 hours Computer Software and Applications
Instructional delivery method: Group-live demonstration and discussion. This course is “laptop-friendly” and participants will have access to demonstration files. This course focuses on features found in Excel 2016 and newer for Windows.
Prerequisites: None
Program level: Intermediate
Advance preparation: None
Who should attend: CPAs and other accounting, auditing, and business professionals who desire to use Excel more effectively
Fraud continues to plague businesses at epidemic levels, and internal control weaknesses and failures contribute to fraud’s large presence in organizations today. In this session, you will learn about the pervasiveness of fraud, the control failures that contribute to fraud, and what you can do to mitigate fraud risk.
Using a case study approach, you will learn using real-world examples of recent scams and identify the control weaknesses and failures that contributed to each crime. The design and application of information technology general controls (ITGCs) and information technology application controls (ITACs) is a specific focus of this session.
More Details about this course
With strong IT controls in place, your business can reduce the risk of fraud substantially. Further, you can use IT-based controls to help overcome other control issues that your organization might face. Participate in this session to learn how you can reduce the risk of fraud in your organization – the survival of the business might depend on it!
Upon completing this course, you should be able to:
- Recognize control failures and weaknesses that can lead to fraud
- Define information technology general controls and information technology application controls and distinguish between the two
- Identify examples of critical internal controls, including information technology controls
- List recommendations for improving internal controls in an organization
- Detailed examination of many of the widely reported frauds of the past decade
- Examples of control failures and weaknesses that lead to fraud
- Identify critical information technology general controls and application controls that should be in place to deter and prevent fraud
CPE Credit: Recommended for 6 hours Auditing
Instructional delivery method: Group-live demo and discussion.
Prerequisites: Fundamental understanding of internal controls
Program level: Intermediate
Advance preparation: None
Who should attend: CPAs and other accounting, auditing, and business professionals who are seeking to reduce fraud risk
Technology continues to evolve and amaze! In fact, but for technology, where would our businesses be today? It’s truly amazing to see how companies quickly embraced many forms of technology in response to the pandemic. That pace of change is likely to accelerate as newer technologies become mainstream.
Tools such as robotic process automation, data analytics, collaboration tools, and artificial intelligence will affect virtually every organization over the coming five years, working alongside today’s mainstream technologies. Participate in this session so you are prepared to embrace and prosper in an ever-evolving technological world.
More Details about this course
Upon completing this course, you should be able to:
- Identify significant technology issues that affect accounting and financial professionals
- List at least three security practices that should be in place in every organization
- Evaluate software subscription models to determine if they are ideal for your team
- Differentiate between various communication and collaboration platforms, such as Teams and Zoom
- Estimate the impact of emerging technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotic process automation, and data analytics on businesses
- Recognize technologies that will be key in a post-pandemic environment
- Developments in hardware and software
- Significant developments in emerging technologies and why many of these technologies are essential now
- Critical cybersecurity issues and potential solutions
- Determining if subscription-based software models are right for your team
- The impact of 5G technologies on virtually all aspects of communications
Course Information
CPE Credit: Recommended for 6 hours Information Technology
Instructional delivery method: Group-live demo and discussion.
Prerequisites: None
Program level: Intermediate
Advance preparation: None
Who should attend: CPAs and other accounting, auditing, and business professionals who desire to use technology more effectively
Tech Tools For The New Age CFO
Tech Tools For The New Age CFO
Today’s CFOs, Controllers, and other financial managers face mounting pressures to improve results, address shareholder issues, and drive better organizational performance. Additional challenges include resource constraints and issues related to recovering from a pandemic.
Indeed, yesterday’s tools and workflows are no match for today’s environment, and continuing to utilize them will result in missed objectives, subpar performance, and wasted time and resources. Fortunately, there is a better way!
More Details about this course
Technology stacks available to financial managers and senior leaders enable a new era of productivity, reporting insights, and financial management not available previously. With the right tools and workflows in place, you and your team can realize the benefits of data analytics and integration, business intelligence, Robotic Process Automation, and communication and collaboration tools. Further, you can reap these rewards while simultaneously reducing cybersecurity threats.
We invite you to join us for this unique session that will surely open your eyes to better ways of managing the accounting and finance operations in any size organization. You will undoubtedly leave the session both enlightened and emboldened with the possibilities that await.
- Differentiate between data analytics and business intelligence and list examples of each
- Identify at least three opportunities for automating transaction flows, including approvals, in any organization
- List examples of the benefits of data integration and specific tools you and your team can use to facilitate data integration efforts
- Cite examples of technology to facilitate intra-team communication and collaboration efforts and the related benefits
- List at least three security concerns facing businesses and provide examples of solutions to address these risks
- Integrating Data Analytics For Better Decisions
- Improving Decisions With Business Intelligence
- Automating Key Business Processes, Including Robotic Process Automation
- Integrating Data Across The Organization
- Communicating And Collaborating Tools
- Security, Security, Security!
CPE Credit: Recommended for 3 hours Information Technology
Instructional delivery method: Group-live demo and discussion.
Prerequisites: Fundamental understanding of basic technology concepts
Program level: Intermediate
Advance preparation: None
Who should attend: Chief Financial Officers, Controllers, and other financial managers seeking to improve the performance of their organization’s financial and accounting team by deploying appropriate technologies.
Financial reporting continues to consume too much time because most accounting and financial professionals are not taking advantage of the modern tools available in Excel. However, these tools can help you produce better quality reports in far less time than many of the traditional reporting processes you may be using today. In this session, you will learn how to put these tools to work the right way for better results.
More Details about this course
Specifically, in this course, you will learn the best practices for creating financial and operational reports. You will also identify how you can use data models, Power Query, Power Pivot, and PivotTables to create and publish effective financial and operational reports from Excel.
Finally, you will also learn how you can leverage your knowledge of Excel features to create compelling reports using Microsoft’s free Power BI Desktop application. In sum, if you create reports, you can’t afford to miss this session.
- List best practices for Excel-based reporting;
- Define and create Data Models in Excel;
- Manage Data Models effectively with Power Pivot by adding features such as KPIs;
- Utilize tools such as Power Query to link accounting transactions into Excel and apply critical transformations to your data to make it more useful;
- Summarize the data in your Data Models using both PivotTables and formula-based techniques; and
- Best practices for Excel-based reporting
- Create more effective reports using Excel
- Utilize “Next Generation” Excel features to improve reporting processes
- Building reports and dashboards using Microsoft’s Power BI platform
CPE Credit: Recommended for 3 hours Accounting
Instructional delivery method: Group-live demo and discussion.
Prerequisites: Fundamental understanding of computer operations, including spreadsheets
Program level: Intermediate
Advance preparation: None
Who should attend: Business professionals seeking to improve reporting processes and shorten reporting cycle times
2024 Western CPE
Conference Locations
During 2024, K2 team members will present technology-focused educational sessions at Western CPE Conferences. You can view the complete list of conferences, dates, and locations below. We look forward to serving you at one of these events!

Western CPE Webcasts
Western CPE offers some of the highest-quality webcasts available. Included in the Western CPE curriculum are a number of accounting, auditing, and tax subjects, along with technology-focused topics presented by K2 Enterprises.